
Vietä mukava ilta Ravintola Rantakasinolla live-musikin parissa. Viihdytämme ravintola-asiakkaitamme säännöllisesti erilaisten bändien ja artistien voimin. Ravintolamme muuntautuu myös tarvittaessa kisastudioksi - isot TV:t löytyvät niin sisältä kuin terassiltakin. Tervetuloa viihtymään!

  • 7.6.2019

    Liput 7€

    Monkey and The Baboons live in a herd consisting of five specimens and were first spotted in the concrete jungle of Warsaw in the summer of 2011. What makes this species unique, is that at the head of the herd is a female. They produce an extensive range of wild noises that bring to mind the sounds of classic rock'n'roll and captivate to dancing. In March of 2012 they give a sensational performance at the side of Black Raven (DE), The Limiteds (FIN) and Pavulon Twist (POL) on a gig which was a part of the Worldwide Rockers Tour II. In June of 2012 Monkey and The Baboons leave their native jungle for the first time to rock in Sweden with Wild Rooster and The Snakebite – some of the most prominent bands on the Swedish rock’n’roll scene. Since then, journeys across Europe spring up like mushrooms. On the spring of 2014 they release their first EP called "Leather Jacket Rock'n'Roll" containing 4 classics. After taking part in the biggest and the most prestigious rock’n’roll events in Finland, Sweden, Spain, Belgium, Germany, Austria, and Italy, Monkey and The Baboons become on the of the most recognizable Polish bands on the rock’n’roll map of Europe. In the summer of 2016 they release their first full album "Leavin' A Life In The Jungle". Monkey business never ends...



Ravintola Rantakasino
Arvi Kariston katu 8
13100 Hämeenlinna


0400 360 660


Su-to 11.00-00.00, pe-la 11.00-02.00